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Download a free STEM Projects sample here.

STEM education is key in creating the next generation of critical thinkers, science-literate students and inspired innovators! Our STEM series is focused on developing important skills such as innovation, creativity, reasoning and problem-solving. Get your students prepared for the new information-based society and be confident in delivering a comprehensive and contemporary science program!


With the help of R.I.C. Publications’ STEM resources, you can aid your students in their advancement at a more effective and efficient rate. Our STEM resources for teachers are packed full of information, broken down to be digestible for young minds.

Our STEM resources include many product types that can become lesson plans, but also include dedicated lessons plans! For instance, STEM Projects – Year 1 can provide multiple lesson plan ideas, while specific lesson plans, such as Science: A STEM approach – Biological Sciences – Foundation digital unit can teach students key areas from the Australian Curriculum.

The lesson plan also includes these areas of the Australian Curriculum.

-Science involves observing, asking questions about and describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE013)

-Pose and respond to questions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS014)

-Participate in guided investigations and make observations using the senses (ACSIS011)

-Engage in discussions about observations and represent ideas (ACSIS233)

-Share observations and ideas (ACSIS012)


STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. It covers all the core pillars of science, in order to nurture innovation and critical thinking for a better future. That

is why we strive to create high-quality STEM resources for teachers and students, so teachers can spend more time focusing on their students, and to encourage students to explore STEM further.


You can use the filters on the left-hand side to browse for a specific STEM resource in our range by year, age, format, product type, series and price.

If you’re struggling to manage your time or are finding some students who would benefit from another style of learning, then our STEM resources are for you!

Browse our range or contact us today to learn more and get answers to your questions about our STEM resources for Australia

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